Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Everyone Needs Someone

I think one of the most effective ways that costs absolutely nothing, but is extremely invaluable, is to believe in someone 100% of the time no matter the circumstance, the odds stacked against them, or what critics may say.  This released hope is one of the best ways to EMPOWER someone else when they receive that genuine belief.  Sometimes even family isn't the one to give you that hope or belief that you can make it... so, moving forward I'm making a commitment from now on to be that individual who unconditionally believes in others especially when no one else does.  That's true empowerment!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Alarming Gap in Wisconsin Education

A staggering fact about Racine Unified School District... With over 21,000 students (6 high schools consuming about 1/3 of those students), only 20 African Americans took the ACT exam with only 1 scoring over a 22.  Contrary to that, the state of Wisconsin contributes to the second highest ACT scores in the nation next to only Minnesota.  That's apartheid!

Friday, December 10, 2010


In order to be a leader, a great leader at that, one must have a vision.  Without a vision how will you guide and lead your students towards high expectations and academic achievement?  What is your definition of a vision?  When I think about a vision I want to get an exemplar example or the perfect model... just like I would in the classroom, provide an exemplar model.  So, automatically what comes to my mind when I ponder the meaning of leadership and a vision I am immediately drawn to Jesus.  Jesus had a vision, in this sense not a supernatural appearance, but rather an ultimate goal and foundation for His purpose in life.  His vision was given by God.  How did He lead people?  Did He ever deter from His vision?  Did Jesus ever comprise his character, integrity, and supernatural ability to please someone else?  Did Jesus hold true to His vision and bring many from out of darkness and into the light?  I've had only two postings... one from LaToya (thanks!) and one from myself :(.  I need more intelligent minds to come together and share their thoughts, ideas, opinions in order to create a successful discussion and conversation.