In May of 2007, during my BC (Before Corps) days I would have answered the questions something like this: "I plan to become the best teacher I can be and close the achievement gap for two years and then earn my Master's in Business."
Now, February 18th, 2011 I inspirationally respond to the question from a very different point of view. "I am the role I will play, and the role is who I am. My life as I know it, first and foremost, is dedicated to God. So, now I have a vision for what the rest of my life will consist of and the passion that drives me is not just my role, but it's who I am. I can't wake up one morning and convince myself I don't want to do this anymore because then I'm not true to myself. It's ultimately why I am designed the way I am... therefore, I don't have a choice, but again I don't need one. I have a purpose in this life to be an educational leader and the achievement gap is my antagonist. I am inspired and at the same time I truly replicate Geoffrey Canada's perspective when he says, 'I thought we would go down fighting for the cause. But now I'm thinking that we could really win! Right?! Because this is like... this is like a new thing!' Jesus is the author and finisher of my faith and the faith He's given me is the ability to realize that, "One day every child will have his or her own right to attain an excellence education," and I'm just a soldier on the battle field living in this war and fighting for the cause!"
If I could create a Venn Diagram it would have adjectives such as selfish, self-centered and resume-booster on one side. On the contrary, I would have passionate, visionary and faith contrasting. In the center, ONLY BY PURPOSEFUL CHANCE, I would have "leader." See, what I realize is that our purpose will one day see itself through in our lives as long as we are true to ourselves and to God. So, I propose to you all... what role will you play and how have you defined that role?